Emergency Services Requirements
To become a Ground Team Member and begin hands on training, you must first receive the General Emergency Services (GES) rating on your 101 Card. The 101 card shows you and your commander the Emergency Services (ES) specialty ratings that you have. When you complete everything needed for an ES rating, your commander must approve it. After approved, you will then need to print the card out (see below.)Requirements for GES:
- Minimum grade: Cadet Airman (curry award)
- Successful completion of CAP Test 116 (CAPT 116). The CAPT 116 is based largely on the following resources:
· General Emergency Services Slides (only slides1-26)
Requirements for Ground Team Member Level 3 (GTM3):
1. Successful completion of CAP Test 117 Part 1. The CAPT 117 is based largely on the following resources:
· General Emergency Services Slides (only slides1-26)
2. Successful completion of the FEMA IS-100.b examination. The FEMA web site contains an excellent self paced study course online exam.
3. Successful completion of the FEMA IS-700.a examination.
Login to eServices at: www.capnhq.gov
Select My Operations Qualifications from the left hand menu.
Under the Emergency Services blue bar at the side of the screen, Select the Entry/View Worksheet tab.
Select the achievement you would like to view from the Achievement drop down.
Example: Select GTM3 to see the requirements for that achievement.
Instructions: All tests are untimed, open book tests. It is suggested that you download the associated resources and keep them open during the test for reference.
Submitting Test Completion:
Once you have completed this training, save the completion certificate and send it to the Squadron Commander who will need it to verify completion in eServices. Also enter the information into eServices as follows:
Login to eServices at: www.capnhq.gov
Select My Operations Qualifications from the left hand menu.
Under the Emergency Services blue bar at the side of the screen, Select the Entry/View Worksheet tab.
Select IS100 - IS-100 from the Achievement drop down.
Fill in the completion date and certificate number, check the Save Task check box, and submit.
Printing Your 101 Card:
Before you can participate in training exercises, you need to print the 101 Card by following the directions below:
Login to eServices at: www.capnhq.gov
Select My Operations Qualifications from the left hand menu.
Under the Emergency Services blue bar at the side of the screen, Select the 101 Card tab.
Fill out your personal info and then click to obtain the card.
Select CAP Photo Picture
Upload a digital photo that follows the ID Card Guidelines
Contact your squadron commander to approve it (the system doesn't always send out notifications.)
When your photo is approved, print the 101 card , cut it out, and bring it to every Ground Team event.
The Next Step: Once you have your 101 Card, you can begin your hands on training. You are now a Ground Team Member. Tell your cadet commander you have a 101 card and ask how to prepare for ground team missions. You first need collect all the required equipment for your 24hr. and 72 hr. packs. Below is all the equipment needed for both backpacks.
¨ Complete BDU uniform (T)
¨ BDU cap (T)
- The BDU cap may be replaced by a hard hat
or bright colored cap based on mission needs.
¨ Notepad (T)
¨ Pencil (T)
¨ All CAP Identification:
¡ Membership card (T)
¡ First Aid card, etc. (T)
¡ 101 card
¡ 76 card
¨ Watch (T)
¨ Vest, - reflective, orange (T)
¨ Comb or brush (T) - optional, carry if needed
¨ Pocket or utility-type knife (T)
- multipurpose with can opener.
- Swiss Army knives, Leatherman, or Gerber Tools are recommended.
¨ Handkerchief or Tissues
¨ Ground Team Member’s Handbook
¨ Signal Mirror
¨ Whistle
- 24 hour pack should be preferably red or orange
- webbed gear, or other SAR/Survival Vest (T) acceptable.
¨ First Aid Kit: - stored in zip-lock bag or other waterproof container, recommended that it consists of the following:
¡ Any personal medication (T)
- your team leader should know what you have and where you carry it.
¡ 2 Antiseptic cleansing pads
¡ Antiseptic ointment
¡ 6 Band-Aids, various sizes
¡ Moleskin, 2” X 4”
¡ Roller bandage
¡ 2 Safety pins, large
¡ 4 gauze pads
¡ 1 Triangular Bandage
¡ Tape, first aid
¡ Rubber surgical gloves
- two pair minimum
¨ Survival Kit, stored in zip-lock bag or other waterproof container, consisting of:
¡ 1 Chemical Light Stick, Green (T)
¡ 12 wooden, waterproofed matches (T)
¡ Match container, waterproof, with striking surface
¡ 50’ of nylon line (paracord or similar line).
¡ Duct tape, 5-10 feet
- does not need to be a whole role.
¡ Leaf bag, large
¨ SAR Equipment stored in zip-lock bags, consisting of:
¡ Change of socks (T)
¡ Spare flashlight (penlight will do) (T)
¡ Tissue Paper (T)
¡ Work Gloves, leather (T)
¡ Change for phone calls,
- or cellular phone (T)
- to call mission base
¡ Flagging Tape, 1 roll
¡ Flashlight (with red or blue lens),
¡ spare bulb
¡ spare batteries
¡ Insect repellent
¡ Lip balm, with sunscreen.
¡ Sunscreen lotion
¡ Interviewing Form(s), blank
¡ 4 Moist Towelettes, clean, in foil wrapper
¨ 2 meals (T)
¨ Poncho, (T)
¨ Shelter Material, preferably 8’ X 10’
- spare military poncho meets the need
¨ Coat for current weather,
- if necessary (in pack if not wearing it)(T)
¨ Canteen(s) to carry 2 quarts of water
- At least one quart of water must be carried by all personnel)(T)
¨ Compass: lensatic or orienteering (orienteering preferred)
- Compass Pouch, containing.
- Compass should have a “glow in the dark” dial.
- a backpack (preferably with frame) should contain all that is in the 24 hour pack, with the addition of the following:
¨ Tent (T)
- optional, if you are sharing a tent with someone else who is carrying it)
¨ Sleeping Bag or Bedroll appropriate to climate (T)
¨ Bag, waterproof (T):
¡ Spare uniform,
¡ Underwear and socks, 3 changes (T)
¨ 5 meals (T)
¨ Toilet Kit, that should contain:
¡ Toothbrush and paste (T)
¡ Shaving Kit (if you shave) (T)
¡ Deodorant (T)
¡ Washcloth and soap (T)
¡ Towel (T)
¨ Sleeping pad, foam or inflatable.
¨ Spare rank and CAP cutouts (for cadets)
¨ 2 Leaf Bags, large
¨ Spare boot laces.
¨ Kit, sewing, with spare buttons.
¨ Shoe Shine Kit
¨ Rainwear, durable
¨ Webbing, nylon, 1” wide, 20’ long.
¨ Handheld FM Transceiver
- (highly recommended for Ground Team Leaders)
¨ Water Purification Tablets
¨ Eye Protection (highly recommended)
¨ Entrenching Tool (highly recommended for base gear)
¨ Protractor
¨ Map Case (zip-lock bags)
¨ Pencil w/eraser (+ sharpener if not mechanical)
¨ Alcohol Pens, fine tip, at least 2 non flashlight color
¨ Way to erase alcohol pen marks on the map case (alcohol swabs or a alcohol pen eraser)
¨ A Ruler, at least 6"
¨ Ground Team Leader Handbook